
Digital Strategy

  • How to write user-centric social media posts – and why they’re effective

    March 15, 2022

    Many German brands talk about themselves on the social web: "We did this", "We're happy about that" - the self-centeredness in brand communication can quickly raise the question of relevance among readers. The honest answer is often: There is no real relevance for the reader. The content would also have made a good internal mail, an external effect remains questionable. If you communicate in this way, you lose out in the battle for digital attention...

  • Contents of a digital strategy

    January 7, 2022

    Communicators for whom the topic of "digital strategy" is fresh on the to-do list in 2022 often don't know where to start. What should be considered and in what order? What is really important and what is more downstream? Here you will find the essential considerations to get started professionally...