

  • Christmas is Always: Why Interpersonal Values are Relevant for Business

    Every year, just in time for Christmas, we reflect on the importance of emotional values as essential elements of our personality and our relationship with other people. At no other time of the year do the soft factors of human interaction come to the forefront of our communication. In the business world, strategy, planning, product features, quality, IT, process optimization, or savings potentials are displaced as a matter of course...

  • FleishmanHillard Successfully Passes CMS III Re-certification

    Anne Glier, Head of Talent Development FleishmanHillard Germany (le.) und Alexandra Groß, GPRA-Präsidenting (ri.)   The international communications and GPRA member agency FleishmanHillard Germany has successfully passed the Consultancy Management Standard III re-certification (CMS III). The seal of approval is valid for two years - after which the agency's internal processes will be re-audited. The Consultancy Management Standard (CMS) is an internationally recognized quality mark and exemplary management system for PR agencies...

  • Why only own corporate channels guarantee sustainable communication reach in the long term

    Corporate pages on Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networks are an integral part of the professional communication spectrum. However, the algorithms of these platforms are visibly changing negatively for the organic reach of corporate content. That is why flexible, modern owned channels such as blogs, newsletters or even the website are more important than ever...

  • Three factors for a successful corporate newsletter

    Newsletters continue to be an underrated communication tool - we learned why in the last article on corporate newsletters. Here, we'll take a look at some factors communicators should consider when implementing newsletters for successful communication...